- The test is in the form of solution for intradermal injection using the Mantoux test technique used for the detection of Latent-tuberculosis.
- Cy-Tb is a clear, colourless to yellow solution.
- It is a Skin-based test which can specifically measure the response of MTB infection.
- It is administered as 0.1 ml dose using a 1 ml syringe with a short bevel 26- or 27-gauge needle size in the middle third of fore arm.
- Cy-Tb may induce an induration at the site of injection. The diameter of the induration should be measured between 48-72 hours after injection.
- The test has a universal reading value cut-off of 5 mm thereby reducing chances of errors.
- The test results are not be affected by previous BCG vaccination of the individual and there has no different cut-off in BCG vaccinated individuals.
- The Sensitivity and specificity of the test is similar to Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRA) test.
- Test vials should be stored in a refrigerator (+2º to +8ºC).
- After first opening, the vial should be able to be used for up to 28 days provided it is stored between 2ºC – 8ºC.
- The shelf life of the unopened vial is 18 months.
Presentation – 10 dose vial.
Manufactured by – Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd
Marketed By – Mylab Discovery Solutions Pvt Ltd
Disclaimer – To be administered by certified medical practitioner only.
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